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Chairman of NY TechMeetup. Professional Doer and Founder of Personal Democracy Media


[Editorial] Let's Change the Ratio Once and For All By Andrew Rasiej

TECHPRESIDENT - In this editorial, PDM publisher Andrew Rasiej talks about the problem of gender discrimination in the digital industry. Citing his own inclusion in The Daily Beast/Newsweek's Digital Power Index--which only named nine women out of one hundred digerati--he calls on his peers to address the issue head on.

See Also at: HuffingtonPost.com


Twitter Invests in Young Women with ‘Girls Who Code’ By Allison Yarrow  

THE DAILY BEAST - Silicon Valley is often called a boy’s club, with women holding just 25% of all tech and engineering jobs. Allison Yarrow on how tech companies like Twitter are finally courting girls. 

“She is one of the few people running for the office who understands the potential of technology to help reinvent the Public Advocate’s office as a network rather than a single person on a soapbox,” Chairman of NY Tech Meetup and founder of Personal Democracy Andrew Rasiej said.


The Newsweek Daily Beast Digital Power Index 

THE DAILY BEAST - In two short decades, the Internet has changed almost everything about the way we live: The way we communicate, the way we shop, the way we read, the way we love, the way we fight, the way we play. So, too, the people shaping and changing the world are a breed apart from the old ruling class. Moguls, Masters of the Universe, military despots…your time has come and gone. The geeks have inherited the earth!

Digital Power Index Evangelists: Andrew Rasiej


PDF12: How Cyber-Dissidents Evade Chinese Censorship By Mark Hannah

NEW YORK -- The famous Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei once wrote in a blog, "To express yourself needs a reason, but expressing yourself is a reason." In the highly censored world of Chinese media, this sums up the growing consensus within that country -- and around the world -- that the freedom of expression and dissent is important as an ends, and not just a means.
I'm writing from the 2012 Personal Democracy Forum (PDF12), taking place this week at New York University, and where a group of presenters tackled the issue of Internet Freedom in China.


The Internet v. Citizens United By Lauren Feeney

Micah Sifry and Andrew Rasiej are co-founders of Personal Democracy Media, an organization working at the intersection of technology, politics, government and civic life. Their ninth annual Personal Democracy Forum convenes next week in New York City. We caught up with them on the eve of the forum to talk about two new factors that could help shape the 2012 elections — the growing power of social media and the Internet and the explosive influence of corporate money post-Citizens United.

Read Complete article: BillMoyers.com


NY1 VIDEO: Inside City Hall’s Errol Louis spoke with Ben Smith, the editor-in-chief at Buzz Feed, Sharon Toomer, the publisher of Black and Brown News, Deanna Zandt, a media technologist who is the author of Share This! How You Will Change the World with Social Networking and Andrew Rasiej, the founder of Personal Democracy Media and the Chairman of New York TechMeetup, about Facebook's rocky first week on the stock exchange could have a negative impact on the business of social networking.

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