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SOPA/PIPA Protest in New York. January 2012


This afternoon we gathered together to protest an unprecedented attack on the future of our industry and to demonstrate and defend our love of the open web.

I used to joke that politicians don't know the difference between a server and a waiter, but in regards to PIPA and
SOPA their ignorance in no joke.

In an effort to combat piracy which we all would like to minimize if not outright eliminate, Congress, at the behest of monied special interests
representing the copyright holding industries, is proposing to redesign the Internet. If they are successful, they will not only not only stifle  innovation and investment in emerging technology companies in New York and elsewhere, they will irrevocably damage the architecture of the Internet so as to embolden censorship around the world.

The Internet and related connection technologies have created a renaissance in startup innovation in New York that now rivals Silicon Valley as a hub for economic growth. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers have been inspired to become entrepreneurs creating thousands and thousands of new jobs and offering professionals in many of New York’s traditional industries the opportunity to start new careers participating in the 21stcentury global economy. More importantly, the open web has fostered a new era of reform around the world allowing citizens using the technology to challenge repressive regimes and demand accountability in their political systems.

To be absolutely clear, we totally oppose any piracy of any and all copy righted material, However because of the poor way the language of the legislation is written, there is a very real possibility that that the PIPA and
SOPA laws would vastly discourage  open innovation, investment, entrepreneurship, and free speech.

This is a classic case of our 20th century government clashing with the realities of our 21st century global economies.

So if you agree with our effort to bring our voices together to fight to make sure Congress doesn't act in an unilateral and uninformed way, we urge you to call and Tweet to Senator's Schumer and Gillibrand and tell them not to tamper with the Internet.

And thanks to mobile commons just text PIPA to 877877 and will connect you directly.

Instead of sponsoring PIPA Senators Schumer and Gillibrand should be defending the future of New York, free speech, and the open web.

 The copyright holding organizations proposing these bills have been gaming the system for decades lining the pockets of politicians with money and using their power and influence as a currency to monopolize their markets.

The Internet however operates in a different kind of currency, the currency of trust and openness.

Today we stand in solidarity with all the other websites around the world who have taken the risk to shut down or modify their online presence and activities to bring awareness to the issues and to galvanize their respective communities to fight for what is right.




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